Bo Park, managing director at ICR, and head of the technology public relations group, has authored an article entitled, ‘Believing in Unicorns: Why the Tech IPO Isn’t a Myth,’ published in the November issue of O’Dwyer’s, a publication dedicated to the public relations and marketing communications field.
Ms. Park’s piece highlights 2015’s slowdown in the tech IPO market after a flurry of activity in 2014, and the uptick in so-called unicorn companies – those with a billion dollar valuation or more. The article advises that even companies ‘flush’ with VC funding need to have proper communications strategies in place to best prepare for potential deal activity such as an IPO or M&A event. Ms. Park contends that telling a compelling corporate story well before an initial public offering, or M&A deal is paramount, and vital to the deal making process and in the long term.
To read the article, click here.